I gave blood yesterday. It was my first time, and my main reason, though I would like to be known as a compassionate, upstanding member of society, was so that I could finally learn my blood type. I'm twenty five years old, and I'm still in the dark.
So I sit myself down on the little reclining chair, and display my arm for the inevitable injection. Naturally, I avert my eyes, because watching needles go in makes me woozy. Then my blood flows through this tube into a little bag. Bye bye blood. T'was nice having your companionship.
Afterward, I get up and feel quite fine. So I went over to Tani, who had not yet been pierced, and sat down with my cookies and juice to keep her company. The lady pokes her, and we wait. The women around begin conversing about the new vampire love series (get it? Blood, vampires....?) and discussing the characters like old friends. Tani's bag fills, and while the blood lady is taking out the needle, I suddenly feel like every particle of my body has encapsulated itself in my stomach, and wants immediate escape. Then the room starts spinning and I know I'm in trouble. So, I recline myself upon the chair just vacated by Tani, and wait, with cold packs, for my head to return to this galaxy. Eventually it does, and I take more cookies and juice and walk home.
And I have the pink bandage and the needle hole still in my arm to prove it.