Monday, November 17, 2008

I was going to take a picture, but I thought it would gross you out.

So, in my little community, there is an interesting method of taking care of the many potholes that plague our little dirt roads: debris. Plant clippings? Just throw them in the middle of the road. Extra rocks? Likewise. Sometimes, where there was once a harmless dip in the road, it has been made treacherous by the sudden presence of broken cinder blocks (which, by the way, are not that effective as 'road-filler), and I have needed to swerve crazily to save my poor little tires.

Personally, I have nothing against this tradition. I feel like it gives our roads a unique, Picasso-esque flair, and it gives me something to blog about.

But, friends, I believe that our road maintenance has achieved a new low, and I am here to quejar.

I am housesitting for my friends, and, Friday night, I left my windows cracked a teeny bit in my van, so that it doesn't get that hot smelliness of closed in spaces. Well, I woke up Saturday, and was climbing into said van, when I noticed an obscene amount of flies congregating on my dashboard. "This is not okay" I said to myself, and proceeded to clean out my van, in order to discover the source of this shocking debacle. Well, van was clean, flies evicted, and I found nothing sinister, so I forgot about it.

Until this morning! I was walking home from exercising (Yay me), and I heard a suspicious buzzing sound coming from a pile of clippings that were-yes- filling the pothole in the road right in front of the house, so I looked a little closer. Tossed into the road, with the clippings was a whole lot of rotten meat. Yes, rotten meat. Raw. Meat. In the middle of the road. What, do these people think that all the tires rolling over it will make it less raw and rotten? I don't know. All I know is that I am keeping all of my windows firmly shut for the next while, smelly hotness or not.