Thursday, June 4, 2009

Changes and stuff

I'm sitting alone in the dining hall, over an hour early for church. This is, it seems, the only way that I can write for this blog relatively undisturbed. Actually, though, I have an office, which effectively hides me from the world, but I get too lonely in there, so I content myself with conducting my business in the dining hall. This works pretty well for everything except meetings.

Upon further reflection, I suppose I am a glutton for disturbances. Or maybe it is an echo of my time in the Junior High ministry, where I knew everything that was going on at every moment. Does this make me a busybody? Probably. The missionaries seem pretty good-natured about my quirks.

There are changes in the air. The weather is finally getting warm (excepting the afternoon winds that bring in all the dust), I am enmeshed in preparations for the Summer of Service, and several of my friends are leaving-some forever.

I didn't used to take goodbye's too badly. Maybe I was more easygoing then. Now, though, I am finding goodbye's to be rather difficult. Or maybe it is the continual hope that the goodbye won't be for always that is so tough. Either way, I just don't like it.

My friend Jen (of the faithful blogging which always seems to evade me) is departing for the States. She's been here for a year and a half, like she promised. She's been the housemom for La Paloma for a year and a half, which is no small feat. Don't misunderstand me. The Manzano family is stellar. I love being an honorary Manzano. But some of the girls that come into the house are damaged, and for many of them the only consolation they get from life is to damage in return. It is not an easy job to love them. Jen, however, has managed to do it, and most of the time she's done it quite gracefully.

And Carol-and her family, at whose house I have practically lived for the past year- is leaving for Canada. There is consolation in this, however, because they're coming back. Then they're leaving again. Then, hopefully, they're coming back. Again. Its all very complicated. Something to do with school, and M.A.'s, and stuff. At any rate, I hope fervently for their return. Carol is my workout buddy. Without her I would never exercise. What I am going to do without her to prod me, I don't know. Maybe learn self-discipline, or something.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I don't have self discipline for working out!!

-you made me tear up, or maybe it was the sad music that my iPod chose to play at the very minute I was reading what you wrote.